Grow Your Next Giving Day with Mightycause’s Group Giving function
Mightycause offers a unique fundraising opportunity for your giving event with Group Giving pages.
Group Giving pages provide a collective giving space for members of a group, company, or large collective to easily make donations to nonprofits that are part of your event. It provides opportunities for these donor bases to browse and discover new nonprofits they might be interested in supporting.
These pages can be utilized by any large groups or organizations, such as companies, or volunteer groups like Rotary Clubs who have a group of supporters. The pages can be easily customized to reflect their brand and values by filtering to show nonprofits that have missions that align with their organization. This makes it easy for a company to rally its community together. It encourages giving and provides additional support to the nonprofits participating in your giving event.
Curious how Group Giving pages can be used to boost engagement and promote giving for your event? Check out these 4 ways Group Giving pages can help grow your event.
1 – Create a Space for Employee & Corporate Giving
The most popular way to use Group Giving pages is to engage with corporate or employee giving. Corporate giving is a great way to increase both donors and dollars during your event, especially as more companies are looking for ways to increase their public philanthropy and diversify their community involvement. This complements the fact that more employees are seeking out companies who care about impacting their community.
Not all companies have the capacity to manage employee giving through an internal process. Group Giving pages can help bridge this gap, especially for small to mid-size businesses. Group Giving provides a branded giving space for the company. They can customize their page with photos, videos, and text. Once the page is ready, a company can easily share its unique page link in newsletters and emails to encourage employee giving during a giving event (or even year-round!)
The pages are quick to set up and come with built-in analytics and tools. These make it easy for companies to track donors, donation totals, and other metrics. Companies can easily set up matching grants on the Group Giving page to incentivize giving within their network.
For more details on how to use Group Giving pages, check out our in-depth blog post: Employee Giving on Mightycause
2 – Connect with New Donor Bases
Group Giving pages help make it easy for you to reach new audiences of donors through your partnership with local groups or businesses.
Once a page is set up, the group leading the page takes on the task of sharing their page link with their group. By sharing the link, they encourage donations and continue to rally their network of supporters throughout your giving event.
Consider a group you have not connected with, but wish you could. Who is the leader of, is a popular business with, or has an ‘influencer’ presence in that group? By connecting with just one person or organization, you can reach multitudes of new donors through the Group Giving feature without having to go door-to-door (metaphorically).
Group Giving pages will go a long way in helping you connect with and reach new donors in communities with which you may not already be connected.
3 – Provide a Unique Involvement Opportunity
Group Giving pages offer a unique alternative to traditional monetary support. Not all groups or businesses may be able to support your event monetarily, but many potential partners are willing to support you in other ways.
Group Giving pages are perfect for this audience because they are free to set up. The page is customized with the partner’s logo and preferred content, allowing them to advertise both their business (or group) and its philanthropic efforts in the community at no cost. In this way, Group Giving pages function similarly to peer-to-peer campaigns because the partner shares their unique link to encourage and solicit donations on behalf of your nonprofits.
As we mentioned above, a local group or business has a valuable network of prospective donors. Even if they are not able to contribute monetarily, their contribution can be promoting or advertising your event to that network.
Group Giving pages provide a fun, unique way for partners and sponsors to get involved with your event while showcasing their philanthropy within the community. This is a huge win for both you and potential partners.
4 – Increase Partnerships and Encourage Friendly Competition
Group Giving pages don’t end once the page is created. You can leverage your current pages to promote their use and bring in new partnerships. Easily publicize your current pages by adding them to a leaderboard for your event.
A leaderboard allows you to recognize the efforts of those already using these pages. It does this while also leveraging that visibility to attract potential new partners.
Additionally, consider incentivizing your leaderboard with creative matches or special prizes for group giving pages. Adding an element of friendly competition amongst these pages can go a long way. It can aid in boosting active participation, donor count, and donation volume. One example of a Group Giving incentive is to provide a donation on behalf of the “winning” Group to the nonprofit(s) of their choice. Consider adding a Group Giving sponsor to your sponsorship offerings.