Mightycause revamped its team fundraising tool after gathering feedback from users on the platform. In spring 2017, the tool’s launch was hugely successful on the platform. Team fundraising success is at an all-time high as campaigns on Mightycause now see 60% more donations than solo fundraisers, and groups fundraising as a team have an average of 7 more members over this time last year.
One proven team fundraising success is the Kopano Walk for Economic Empowerment for PEER Servants, a microloan nonprofit that helps the materially poor. Their 2017 team fundraising campaign raised $46,857 in just 3 months — nearly double their 2016 walk (which ran for 8 months). Here are some differences in their 2017 page that helped make the difference:
Customize the team page to make it pop.
PEER Servants used their branded colors to match their logo and filter color to emphasize their simple, but effective, background image. This contrasts with their 2016 team page, which showed only a team logo.
Plus, with the new layout, the thermometer is more prominently displayed to show your success and progress towards your goal, showing how close PEER Servants is to their 2017 goal already, and motivating donors to give more!
Lastly, the new team fundraising page on Mightycause allows donors to give right on the team page to either the general fund, or to give to a team member’s page. With a prominent “Donate” button, donors are given more opportunities to donate!
Engage team members consistently.
In 2016, 10 people joined together to fundraise as a team for the Kopano Walk. In 2017, Peer Servants had 17 people fundraising as a team. It’s simple: the more people who join your team, the better your chance of success. In 2016, just 49 donors contributed to their success. So far in 2017, they’ve had 265 unique donors — nearly four times as many!
With new team management tools on Mightycause, you can now track the most recent activity to each team page so you can check in on team members whose pages have seen decreased engagement. You can also check in on team members who haven’t yet published their page to make sure they have the resources they need to get published and get fundraising!
Promote the team fundraising campaign as part of your overall event efforts.
For the 2017 walk, PEER Servants set up a separate blog to track updates in their journey to have the most successful fundraiser ever. They provided step-by-step instructions to those who wanted to raise funds and those who wanted to donate to a fundraiser on their team.
After the walk ended on June 3, PEER Servants posted to their blog to remind donors they still had time to give until Labor Day and help them hit their goal. This is an effective way to keep up engagement and tie together both your fundraiser and your event in a seamless way.
PEER Servants also presented a variety of different kinds of promotions on social media: they made a Facebook event for their team’s event, and wrote several posts to keep up engagement, including ones to thank their sponsors, Chick-fil-A, HoneyDew Donuts and more.
Get started on your path to team fundraising success!
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