Nonprofit workers come from all sorts of backgrounds. Some have liberal arts degrees, some have business degrees, and some have fallen into nonprofit work from completely unrelated places. And while there are certificate courses and classes you can take, there’s really no nonprofit boot camp, is there? No crash course in everything you need to know to fundraise? To fill that gap, Mightycause created our latest fundraising guide.

cover of nonprofit fundraising guide

Why We Wrote This Fundraising Guide

The team that creates Mightycause’s nonprofit content all come from a nonprofit background. And, like many of our users, we learned on our feet, through trial and error, and years in the trenches. We put everything we’ve learned into this guide — sharing what we wish we’d know when we first started, and everything we came to understand about nonprofit fundraising.

We knew there was a need for this kind of book. And we knew that because one of the most common questions we get from Mightycause customers is, “Where do I start?” Nonprofits contact us all the time wanting to know how to get new donors, how to build their donor base, how to grow. And so, we wrote this guide for them, and for you.

Inside the Guide

nonprofit fundraising guide's table of contents

We’re not going to lie: This is a long book. If you were looking for a lightweight fundraising guide, look elsewhere. This is a comprehensive fundraising guide that aims to help nonprofit organizations rise up and keep their work funded.

You’ll learn the fundamentals of giving, how to increase support for your organization, how to run a campaign, how to utilize social media, and more. You’ll also find worksheets and checklists to help you synthesize the information in the guide into small, actionable steps your nonprofit can take right immediately.

Who This Fundraising Guide is For

This guide is for people running small nonprofits, who need a crash course in how to build and sustain funding. It’s also great for onboarding new staff members, interns, and volunteers to get them up and running. And it’s for nonprofit workers who are looking to do better, raise more money, get new ideas, and see how their current practices stack up against best practices.

Download the Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Fundraising is free to download. That’s right, you get the most comprehensive fundraising guide available at zero cost to you. So, download it now, and start fundraising better.

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