Tom does a CrowdCrux podcast interview.

Recently, our CEO, Tom Matthews, had the pleasure of being interviewed on CrowdCrux for Salvador Briggman’s podcast series. If you don’t know already, CrowdCrux is a blog that helps individuals (organizations and nonprofits included) run successful crowdfunding campaigns. It was started in 2012 by Briggman and offers marketing tips, promotional resources, proven campaign strategies, and more.

At Mightycause, we have long specialized in the nonprofit crowdfunding space but as the market grows (as well as the use of online technology by the general consumer) it has become increasingly more difficult for organizations to differentiate online fundraising platforms as well as navigate a successful online fundraising campaign for their cause. That being said, CrowdCrux has stamped its space in the digital world as being a helpful reference for the crowdfunding industry and helping people reach their fundraising goals.

Those are also two things that we here at Mightycause like to think we are pretty helpful at — especially when it comes to nonprofit fundraising; and we spend many hours developing new ways to make every user experience a positive one…so when Tom had the chance to share some of his expertise and insight with the masses through CrowdCrux’s latest podcast we were all pretty excited!

The podcast episode covers some of our breakthrough crowdfunding techniques and strategies as well as what Briggman calls the “sought after blueprint” for launching a successful nonprofit crowdfunding campaign.

You can tell that both Tom and Briggman are passionate and knowledgable about what they do and really went deep into some of the proven ways that countless nonprofits have used to get funding on Razoo, and how YOU can do the same.

They cover a full spectrum of tips for fundraising success throughout the podcast and their similar interests allow for the interview to seem more like listening to a conversation between friends. As Briggman puts it, “From peer to peer fundraising to storytelling, this interview is a treasure chest of valuable information.” We think so too. (And not just because we work here.)

To find out for yourself, you can listen to the podcast here.

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