At Mightycause, we’re always working to make our product the best nonprofit software available. And to make sure you’re aware of what’s new and improved, we’re starting a new series on our blog where we detail the biggest changes made on the Mightycause platform each month.

Here’s the scoop on what’s new in July.

Mightycause Manager

The biggest update in July was the release of our new Mightycause Manager. The Mightycause Manager replaces the dashboard for nonprofit administrators, featuring new tools and an intuitive design that makes it easier to find the information you need. The Mightycause Manager was released on July 10, 2018.

Product Highlights

The release of the Mightycause Manager included some major upgrades and new tools, such as:

  • Campaigns screen, where nonprofit admins can view, manage and export reports about all fundraisers (including peer-to-peer and team fundraisers) created for their nonprofit
  • New home screen gives a quick snapshot of fundraising activity for your nonprofit, provides a to-do list to ensure your Mightycause presence is in the best shape possible, and allows the Mightycause team to share the latest news and most recent blog posts

Learn More

5 things to love about your new Mightycause Manager

Donor Experience

The donor experience is what it’s all about on Mightycause. And with the new Mightycause Manager, we released a new product that gives nonprofit an unprecedented level of control over the checkout process for donors. Donor Experience was released on July 10th, as part of the Mightycause Manager release.

Product Highlights

Donor Experience is a tool that allows nonprofit administrators to build their checkout process, step-by-step. It also contained some major upgrades to the process, such as:

  • The ability to add dedications and designations to donations
  • Additional demographic questions that can be added into the donation process to collect more information from your donors
  • Custom questions that allow nonprofits to collect information that’s important from donors (available to Premium Pro and Enterprise subscribers)
  • The ability to preview and test your checkout process for optimization
  • The addition of a thank-you page that allows nonprofits to add a custom thank you message, images, videos and a CTA button that will take donors to wherever they would like, on or off the Mightycause platform
  • Receipt previews

Learn More

Improve Your Donor Experience with Mightycause Fundraising Tools

New Giving Event Registration

One of Mightycause’s key offerings is giving days and giving events. These giving marathons bring together nonprofits and philanthropists together for a giving marathon, raising funds and awareness for causes that matter in their communities. And registration for nonprofits is one of the most important steps in the process of running a giving day or event. On July 18, 2018, Mightycause released a new, streamlined giving event registration process that makes hosting a giving event easier than ever.

giving day produc

Product Highlights

Mightycause’s new registration process is a game-changer for giving events. Here’s why:

  • Our registration form pulls in information from nonprofit administrator’s Mightycause accounts, eliminating the need to enter in basic information such as name and email address on the registration form, making the process much faster and more convenient for registrants
  • Picking the nonprofit you’re registering is as easy as searching for your EIN or nonprofit’s name in our search tool — no need to upload IRS determination letters or documentation, since it’s already in our system. (And if you’re an admin for a nonprofit, all you have to do is click your nonprofit’s name — we’ll pull in any nonprofits you’re approved to manage.)
  • For giving event hosts, approving or declining a registration is as simple as clicking a button
  • The new registration tool allows giving event hosts to input custom messages to registrants to let them know the status of their registration with our in-line text editor
  • Easy payment linking
  • Giving event hosts can easily pull lists of all registrants, which can be sorted and filtered as they like
  • Real-time data on who has registered, how far they’ve gotten in filling out their Mightycause pages, and how much they’ve raised, so hosts can easily identify nonprofits that may need extra help and easily report on registration progress

Try the New Registration Out For Yourself

#GivingTuesday registration opened in July as well, and utilized the new streamlined registration process. You can take it for a test drive by registering for #GivingTuesday on Mightycause!


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