How You Can Help the Children of Aleppo

Seemingly for years now, the news has been riddled with stories about the growing refugee crisis and the Syrian Civil War. On December 13th, the crisis intensified in Eastern Aleppo when a cease-fire broke down within 24 hours of it going into effect. Civilians in Eastern Aleppo are now unable to leave and are under siege. People around the world are devastated and disheartened as they hear the harrowing messages of goodbye coming from those within Eastern Aleppo who are concerned for their safety. The world is watching, and many are wondering how they can help.
Nadia Alawa, Founder of Nu Day Syria, has dedicated her life to supporting women and children in Syria, and earlier this fall, she started a campaign on Mightycause specifically appealing for emergency relief for families in Aleppo, the hardest hit city during the Civil War. Fighting between rebels and government forces, each backed by different international powers, has left those within the city of Aleppo cut off from critically needed humanitarian aid. In its first few months, nearly $20,000 was raised by supporters with the goal of getting food to families throughout the city of Aleppo.
On December 13th, when the situation on the ground changed dramatically after the ceasefire broke down, thousands of people have turned to Nadia’s fundraiser to show their support. Since the morning of December 13th, over 1,000 donors from 16 different countries have shown their support for Nu Day Syria’s fundraiser on Mightycause, bringing the total raised to over $80,000 and counting.
You too, can take action to support those in need in Aleppo. Every donation makes a difference. If you’ve already made a donation, you can lend your voice to help share this campaign on Facebook, or on Twitter. Social media is making a critical difference for this fundraiser and for Aleppo relief efforts in general, as nearly 100% of donations to this campaign have come from people like you sharing the link on social media with the trending #AidforAleppo.
Nu Day Syria, a nonprofit founded out of local efforts in New England, has been working to alleviate human suffering in Syria since 2011. Their efforts specifically advocate for and support women and children whose voices are often unheard, especially when there is no male breadwinner in the family. Since 2014, Nu Day Syria has used Razoo to raise nearly $150,000 to support their efforts through numerous campaigns highlighting specific humanitarian related focus areas including: winter and cold relief, medical relief, hunger and other emergency concerns.