Now that 2017 has come to an end, it’s a time to pause and reflect on Mightycause’s most popular blogs before heading into the New Year. We’ve already made our New Year fundraising resolutions, so let’s take a look back at our 5 most popular blogs of 2017:

fundraising resolutions

#5: Facebook’s Donate Button

Facebook introduced fundraising in 2017, and made many changes to their platform that confused nonprofits and partners alike. Fortunately, one of our most-read blogs focused on these changes and how nonprofits can avoid accidentally starting a fundraiser on Facebook. Stay tuned for more updates from Mightycause on Facebook’s changes in 2018.

The Facebook Donate Button: What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know

#4: Creative Fundraising Ideas

Nonprofits were looking for easy, creative ways to raise funds in 2017. That’s why it’s no surprise this was one of our most popular blogs of the year! Looking to change up your fundraisers in 2018 with some creativity? Look no further!

20 Creative Nonprofit Fundraising Ideas

#3: Giving Tuesday Outreach

#GivingTuesday is one of the most charitable events of the year. In 2017, more than $3 million was raised on Mightycause for nonprofits. So, it’s no wonder nonprofits were perusing our #GivingTuesday Email Templates for their outreach. These best practices apply to any giving day, so be sure to check it out before your next event.

#GivingTuesday Email Templates and Best Practices

#2: Hurricane Relief

Sadly, 2017 will go on record as the costliest weather year ever. From 3 massive hurricanes to wildfires in the U.S., massive earthquakes and more, donors and nonprofits took to Mightycause to find ways to help the victims of these natural disasters. Relief efforts are still ongoing for many of these disasters, including Puerto Rico where residents are still without power 3 months later.

How to Help or Donate to Hurricane Maria Victims

#1: Workplace Fundraising

Our top blog of the year is a tried and true staple – workplace fundraising ideas! A number of companies used Mightycause in 2017 to raise funds for great causes, including one team fundraiser that raised over $100,000 in just two weeks for various nonprofits in their service territories. With workplace giving growing in popularity, we expect this most popular blog to continue to rank high.

20 Creative Workplace Fundraising Ideas

What’s coming in 2018

Keep an eye out for even more great content from Mightycause in 2018 to help you with your online fundraising strategy, or to give you some ideas to get creative! And, we’d love your feedback on what content you’d like to see more of! Email us at with your ideas on upcoming webinars, blog posts, ebooks and more!

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